What Did the Salesman at the Compass Factory Say

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Arcane: League of Legends - The Loop

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Growtopia Gazette

22 March 2015: Today, Growtopia is being paid a visit by Locke The Traveling Salesman! He comes once a day a month to hawk his fabulous wares, though this time he will stick around a day and a half to introduce himself.

- @Seth and @Hamumu

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 This is an NPC, or a non-player character.

This guy loves locks. He'll trade you fabulous items for them!


This item can be placed in two directions, depending on the direction you're facing.
This item never drops any seeds.
This item has special properties you can adjust with the Wrench.
This item cannot be dropped or traded.


Type 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Block - Foreground
Chi 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Earth
Texture Type 32?fill=cb-20190918130753 Single
Collision Type 32?fill=cb-20210825035341 No Collision
Hardness 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 20 Hits
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 15 Hits
Restores after 3s of inactivity.
Seed Color 16?fill=cb-20211118103242


Grow Time 32?fill=cb-20211118103245 1h 0m 0s
Default Gems Drop 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 N/A

Paint Preview

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 None

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Red

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Yellow

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Green

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Aqua

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Blue

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Purple

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Charcoal

32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Unobtainable
This item does not have any recipe because it is no longer, or was never obtainable.

Locke The Salesman, also known as Locke orLocke The Traveling Salesman, is a non-solid NPC foreground block which was added as part of the Locke The Traveling Salesman update on March 22, 2015. Locke appears in a random world every ten minutes during a random day in the first and second half of a month.


Locke has the appearance of a shorter-than-average Growtopian wearing a Pink Fedora, Distinguished Grey Hair, a Pink Suitcoat, Fancy Pants and a Pencil Mustache.

When Locke arrives in a world, the message "Locke has stopped by the world <world name>! Go buy stuff from him!" will be sent to 500 random players. If that world happens to be jammed, the message "Pssst... hey guys! It's me, Locke! Since this world is jammed, my visit will just be our little secret. Come buy stuff from me, quick!" will be sent instead. Once the ten-minute visit is over, Locke will disappear and appear in another world.

Locke allows players to purchase items listed below from him for Locks.

Item Cost
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Big Lock 5 Small Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Huge Lock 3 Big Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Neon Gum 2 Huge Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 World Lock 5 Huge Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Locke's Mystery Box 1 World Lock
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Basic Blue Block 1 World Lock
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Guild Chest 1 World Lock
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Transdimensional Vaporizer Ray 3 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Pet Trainer Whistle 5 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Safe Vault 6 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Chi Harmonizer 10 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Lock-Bot Remote 10 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Birth Certificate 15 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Extract-O-Snap 15 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Wolf Whistle 15 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Lock Mover 20 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 VIP Entrance 25 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Stretched Canvas 30 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Soul Stone 30 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Sword Pommel 40 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Locke's Megaphone 40 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Burning Eyes 50 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Guild Name Changer 65 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Raccoon Leash 80 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Electric Bow 1 Diamond Lock
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Clothing Compactor 1 Diamond Lock
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Growtoken 1 Diamond Lock
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Growmoji Chest 150 World Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 MickeyMay Leash 3 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Golden Aura 5 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Blue Aura 5 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Pink Aura 5 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Neon Nerves 5 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Solar Chariot 10 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Goldenrod 10 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Harmonic Lock 10 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Samille's Soul Abductor 10 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Toy Lock-Bot 15 Diamond Locks
32?fill=cb-20211118103243 Diamond Dragon 100 Diamond Locks

There is also a feature called Locke's Wisdom, which allows players to ask him about any existing item. Locke will provide the item's description when its name is typed in


  • The main reason Locke was added to the game was to tackle the issue of the World Lock's inflation.
  • On February 29, 2016, a major balance patch was implemented in the game. One of the patches was that the price of Locke's Megaphones was increased from 10 World Locks to 20 World Locks. The aim was to decrease the broadcast activity in the game.
  • On March 18, 2016, Hamumu made a post regarding Locke's schedule. Locke now comes twice a month, once in the first half of the month, and another in the second half of the month, instead of once a month.
  • Upon entering Locke's menu, he will give a comment on how many locks the player currently has in their inventory.
  • When entering a world that Locke is in, a message in the chat will appear saying, "Locke is currently in this world hawking his stuff!".
  • When Locke leaves the world, a message will appear, saying, "Well, I wouldn't be much of a traveling salesman if I didn't travel. I'll see you guys later!"
  • Calling the number "00000" on a Telephone will bring the player to an operator. Entering "Locke" into the field will prompt a response from the operator, asking the player to ask Locke about "Old Gertie".
    • Typing so in Locke's Wisdom prompts a response from Locke. "Woah, Old Gertie... that brings back memories! Hmm. What can I say... Well, there's a story about Old Gertie. The gist is that she was a blue cow, fit to burst with milk, and she flew over the moon, mooing. That'd be something to see, eh? Yeah. Old stories were pretty stupid."
      • This is a clue to the Discover The Truth riddle.
  • Typing in anything inappropriate into Locke's Wisdom will cause the player to respawn and say "Well, I never!!"
  • Dressing up as Locke will complete the Dress up as Locke Epic Quest.
  • Purchasing a Diamond Dragon from Locke will complete the Buy a Diamond Dragon from Locke Epic Quest.
  • Locke doesn't let anyone to buy more than one Soul Stone per month.
  • As of December 17, 2020, Megaphone's price increased to 30 World Locks from 25.
  • Purchasing a Growtoken from Locke will not count for any form of quest.


What Did the Salesman at the Compass Factory Say

Source: https://growtopia.fandom.com/wiki/Locke_The_Salesman

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