What Does Adderall Come Up in a Drug Test

How long Adderall stays in the body is not the same for everyone. When someone abuses Adderall, they may take much more than recommended by a doctor. This can cause it to build up in their system and take longer to be metabolized than if they took prescribed doses. Many other personal factors can affect this process as well.

Adderall Drug Detection Time

The main active ingredient in Adderall is dextroamphetamine. The half-life of this drug is 10 hours. This means that after 10 hours, half of the dextroamphetamine will be eliminated from the body. The amount that remains from an average dose will be broken down in and excreted in about three days.

Whether Adderall is detected in the body during this time or not, depends on the type of test that is used. Urine testing is a common method of measuring the amount of a drug in someone's system, but Adderall can also be found in blood, saliva, and hair.

Adderall detection time based on the method of drug testing:

  • Urine: Adderall can be detected in urine for three days but may not be detectable for three hours after ingestion.
  • Blood: Adderall can be detected in the blood for about 24 hours.
  • Saliva: Adderall can be detected in saliva for 48 hours, but may not show up until an hour after ingestion.
  • Hair: Adderall can be detected in hair follicles up to a month, but may not be present until a week or two after ingestion.

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How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System?

Adderall reaches peak levels in the body in three hours, but body type, age, and health affect how quickly the drug is broken down. How often someone takes Adderall and the size of each dose are also factors that influence Adderall metabolism.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

A person's body mass index (weight to height ratio) can affect how they process Adderall. People with a high BMI tend to have slower metabolisms, so the drug may break down more slowly in their system.

That said, the ratio of Adderall to body mass is also important. If a small person and a large person take the same dose, the larger person may metabolize it sooner because it is a smaller proportion of their body mass. If the two individuals take doses proportionate to their body size, the smaller person is likely to break down the Adderall first.

Age And Health

Younger people generally have faster metabolisms than older people, which can help them process Adderall more quickly. People who are younger are also likely to be healthier, which aids in metabolism as well. This is not always the case, though. If someone is young and unhealthy, they may metabolize the drug slower than someone who is older but healthy.

A healthy body breaks down Adderall faster. Abuse of amphetamines like Adderall can damage the liver and kidneys, which makes metabolism more difficult. Adderall is metabolized by the liver, and kidneys process waste products to help excrete the drug from the body.

Kidneys also regulate pH levels. The pH level of someone's gastrointestinal (GI) or urinary tract plays a role in metabolism too. Higher acidity breaks down Adderall faster while lower acidity may allow it to remain in the body longer.

Dose And Frequency

The more Adderall someone takes, the more will be present in their body. If they take another dose before the first one has been completely metabolized, or if they take twice as much at a time, the drug will stay in their system longer. Individuals who struggle with Adderall addiction are likely to take frequent high doses, making it harder for their body to completely expel it.

Type Of Adderall

Adderall comes as an immediate release (IR) tablet and an extended-release (XR) capsule. When prescribed by a doctor, Adderall IR should be taken a few times a day, as it only lasts four to six hours. Adderall XR lasts eight to 10 hours and slowly releases the drug throughout the day.

The Adderall detection times mentioned above are for a standard dose of Adderall IR. If someone breaks open an Adderall XR capsule and crush the beads inside, they will essentially have a higher IR dose, which will take longer for the body to metabolize.

Adderall Drug Abuse And Addiction

Adderall is a stimulant drug most commonly used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It works by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. The increase of these feel-good brain chemicals stimulates the mind so individuals with ADHD can focus.

People without ADHD may also experience increased concentration when taking Adderall, and use it to self-medicate or boost their performance. If a person takes Adderall in high doses, they may also feel a sense of euphoria and increased energy levels.

Though Adderall may be an effective treatment for ADHD, and even narcolepsy or obesity, abusing it is dangerous. Using Adderall outside of prescription guidelines can easily lead to addiction. This is marked by loss of control of drug use and continued use of Adderall even if it is ineffective or harmful.

Addiction can have devastating effects on a person's life. It can lead to job loss, destroyed health and damaged personal relationships. But it doesn't have to end there. Our comprehensive treatment programs at Vertava Health work to heal all the areas of life that have been harmed by addiction.

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Find Help and Treatment For Adderall Addiction

Treatment for Adderall addiction should consider a person's specific needs, as there is no single treatment method that cures addiction. At Vertava Health, we combine evidence-based therapies into an individualized treatment plan for each person in our care.

A fundamental treatment method for Adderall addiction is dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). DBT works with individuals to improve their emotional regulation and restructure their lives. Through mindfulness, acceptance and positive change, individuals can learn to build healthy relationships and environments that support a substance-free life.

Other evidence-based therapies found in our holistic treatment programs include recreation, art, adventure, motivational interviewing and dual diagnosis treatment. These therapies help individuals reconnect with themselves and others, build coping skills, and reframe their thoughts and behavior.

Most of our programs take place in a residential setting that allows relief from the stress of everyday life. Inpatient addiction treatment takes away triggers of substance use that can make it difficult for someone to truly recover.

What Does Adderall Come Up in a Drug Test

Source: https://vertavahealth.com/adderall/detection-time/

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